Project Zero & DF Concerts are thrilled to announce an amazing night of live music featuring some of Scotland’s finest artists from a range of genres, all who have come together to support our biggest weapon in the fight against the climate crisis, the ocean. The first show of the “Concerts for Climate” series will take place at Scottish venue King Tuts Wah-Wah Hut on Thursday 11th November 2021, and is set to become the first in a series of global music events produced by Project Zero. Twin Atlantic, Admiral Fallow, RURA, The Ninth Wave, Rachel Sermanni, Blue Rose Code, Tamzene and The National Youth Pipe Band are all confirmed to perform at the concert. All proceeds from the “Concerts for Climate” series will fund a global network of projects that protect and restore the ocean and blue carbon ecosystems (mangroves, seagrass meadows and tidal marshes). To learn more about these projects, visit weareprojectzero.org/projects