PALPITATIONS, the lucent second album by South Coast-born, Los Angeles-based pop artist LAUREL, is a reinvention of epic proportions – a full-throated reintroduction to a musician who has, to this point, been known for windswept pop and grunge-inflected folk. Bright, passionate, reckless in its pursuit of emotional truth, it’s the work of a mature songwriter with a restless spirit: LAUREL in her final form. Contained in these 11 songs are all of life’s highs and lows, coated in gleaming 80s lacquer and shot through with tension and ecstasy. All you need to know about this new iteration of LAUREL is contained right in the album title: “This album is adrenaline-filled – everything is felt hard,” she says. “Palpitations, in the body, aren’t usually a sign of anything really bad – they’re usually emotionally driven. I loved the idea that something can feel so strong that it will make your heart skip a beat.”