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Gigs in Scotland

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A multi Grammy-nominated artist, he switched from performing his music masterfully, to crafting beats from scratch, weaving in elements of stand-up comedy and live improvisational song creation, making each performance a unique masterpiece.


His reverence for musical greats like Andre 3000, Cab Calloway, and Jorge Ben Jor has guided his journey, shaping his distinctive voice in the industry.

The Jamaican-American maestro, with deep African roots coursing through South and West Africa, has pioneered an evolution of sound that began as "traphousejazz" and has since blossomed into a groundbreaking multicultural fusion.

Masego's upbringing in a nomadic military family based in Virginia, with frequent sojourns through New York, Georgia, and the Carolinas, has instilled in him a rich tapestry of experiences. This diverse background imbues his music with an exploration of love, life, and identity, delivered with razor-sharp precision.