When everything falls apart, music puts it back together. Rock ‘n’ roll bridges the widest gaps and fills deepest fissures, giving us a reason to dance, sing, shout, and stand as one. No matter who we are, where we come from, or what we believe, it provides respite, reprieve, and relief as we escape. In this spirit, Rival Sons aren’t here to tell you exactly what to think or what to feel (that’s up to you), but they’ll give you one hell of a ride if you let them. Once again, the Los Angeles quartet—Jay Buchanan [vocals, harmonica, rhythm guitar], Scott Holiday [lead guitar], Mike Miley [drums], and Dave Beste [bass]—find common ground for us to unite on their 2023 seventh full-length LP, DARKFIGHTER [Low Country Sound / Atlantic Records]. “With the world being so heavy, we recognized a responsibility to put a good word on people’s ears so there’s a good word coming back on their tongues too,” states Jay. “We missed the joy of the live show and that magical interaction. When it was taken from us, that made me want to sing about topics that were important. There are strong themes on this record of loss of identity, preservation of joy, and beholding light and shape again.” “Records are a healthy form of escapism,” adds Scott. “I hope this one takes you as far away as possible. Our intent was to create a more cinematic body of work. As soon as the doors shut behind you, you’re enveloped on the ride. Maybe you get lost in it and gain whatever you might need from it.”